When we first connect, Our recruitment people will try first to check your details and see if there are any jobs that match based on what you’re looking for.
We’ll also use this opportunity as an excellent chance of getting a head start on finding out more about how great someone might be.
If we find a suitable position for you there we will work with you to schedule an interview at a time that suits you. we know that everyone is busy, so we’ll always try to be as flexible as possible. if we have no positions at that time we will hold your details and try to match you to a position.
When we find the right opportunities suited for you, we will assess your cv and salary and contact you about the position. We will provide you with all the information you need to know about the position and company and help you through the interview process. If everything goes well and you are offered the job, we will be there to help you negotiate a salary that is fair and meets your needs.